Monday, July 21, 2014

5 Things Homeowners Can Do to Save on Energy Costs


As a homeowner, saving on energy costs has two primary benefits; to reduce costs and to have less of an impact on the environment. Here are 5 ways that you can save on energy costs today:

1) Find a more efficient way to heat and cool your home

Every homeowner in Pennsylvania experiences the abrupt changes in temperatures that lead to higher heating and cooling costs. There is much talk about ways to save on energy costs in Pennsylvania because those who reside in the Keystone State may have their heating system fully on one day and reverse the temperature moderation the next. Whether or not you live in a state with wildly fluctuating temperatures, everyone is looking for ways to save on energy. Here are a few tricks that can have a major impact while heating and cooling your home:

Make sure that all vents are open and clean. This is a step that most people overlook, not fully understanding the importance of keeping their vents optimal for energy saving. Keeping all vents open and clean allows for proper airflow that will reduce the amount of energy used by your system.

Improve airflow to trap the right temperatures. Standing fans require far less power than your heating and cooling system and can circulate the air in your home properly. This means less work for your heating and cooling system, and thus, saving on energy.

2) Replace incandescent lights

Incandescent lights are on their way out. A ban has been placed on the manufacturing of the incandescent light bulb, as they no longer meet federal standards for energy efficiency. This is good news for those that are looking to save on energy costs but have not been fully educated on which bulbs to use. CFL (compact fluorescent) light bulbs are the new bulbs to use when looking to save energy. According to NPR, Americans would save a total of $700 million a year in energy costs if every household replaced just one incandescent bulb with an “Energy Star” rated CFL bulb.

3)  Install efficient showerheads to save water

When you use less water, you’ll also see savings in your gas or electric bill. Many experts say that water heating is the third most energy consuming function in your home.  Replacing your showerhead with new ones with less pressure while also taking shorter showers (yes, even in the cold winter) will greatly affect your energy bills.

4) Cook smarter

These tips work twofold, as they save on energy as well as your time in the kitchen. One of the most effective tips seems daunting at first, but save both time and energy in the long run. Planning ahead and cooking several meals at the same time will allow for smarter energy usage; less stopping and starting appliances greatly saves on energy. Other tips include adjusting the gas flame to never come up around the sides of your pans and making sure all lids (and the oven door) are closed unless you are checking on the food.

5)Wash clothes smarter

The biggest unnecessary use of energy when it comes to washing clothes comes from the heat in your dryer.  Trying with less heat is always a good idea, but there is an even more efficient way to dry. Using your dryer for just a few minutes to soften the clothes and then proceeding to line-dry is a great way to save on energy costs. Smaller and more frequent loads allow this task to feel less time consuming!

Homeowners who take the initiative to make changes like these typically find that the energy saving techniques are more than worth the effort.

Let us know if you have any other energy saving tips or tricks on Costello Builder’s Facebook page or by tweeting to us at CostelloBuild on Twitter!

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