Monday, July 14, 2014

Easy Summer Activities at Your Home

Now that the kids are home for the summer, there’s a chance they may let you know if they feel bored. Many kids seem to wait in anticipation all year for summer to arrive; only to be let down any time they aren’t on a looping rollercoaster or building a sandcastle among the roaring sound of ocean waves. For some parents, it seems as though their kids are never satisfied when making their own fun at the house.

Instead of getting upset or irritated by their natural need for constant activity, we should find ways to embrace and encourage their playful nature. Who knows, maybe we’ll even have some fun ourselves! Here are some easy summer activities for your home that should keep your kids occupied and allow some quality bonding time.

Use Tape for Games

Sometimes parents need to think like a child in order to keep their children occupied while staying at the house. Tape can be a helpful and creative tool for this. A simple roll of tape can be used for many games or activities.

If you have a child that collects toy cars, make a road or a race track on the carpet. Even the assembly of this activity can be great fun for children, let alone the finished product! Imagine the child’s excitement seeing their bedroom or the family living area slowly become a race track.

Tape can also be used for fun outdoor board games. Create a customizable board game on your deck or patio with activities within each square of the game. Come up with silly objectives or a simple scavenger hunt within the game to really ramp up the fun!

Camp Indoors

Obviously, camping outdoors is a great summer activity. However, families can’t always pitch a tent and camp outside any time their child is stricken with boredom. Indoor camping is a great alternative that kids seem to enjoy.  There is something about the unnatural use of rooms in the house that seem to keep children happily occupied. Tell ghost stories in the tent and use a candle or a lamp as a campfire!

Fun Creative Activities

Not every child is content sitting at a table with a paintbrush in hand. Some children need bit of silliness to explore their creative side. There are many ways to use household items to allow your children to do this while also having fun. If you have any leftover bubble wrap from your latest household purchase, let your kids use it to paint! Wrapping your child’s hands or feet for bubble wrap paintings may prove to be a fun activity while exploring their creative side!

Sponges are also another great tool for painting with your kids. Cut sponges into different shapes and lengths and let them paint something wild!

Help Your Kids Create Their Own Fun

Kids are very capable at keeping themselves occupied and creating fun for themselves. Many parents simply neglect to provide the right tools to allow this to happen. As we have explored, there are many ways that we can use regular household items to help our children have fun at home during the months of summer.
These suggestions are meant to get you started when thinking about home activities for your children. When you start thinking about potential activities in this way, the possibilities seem to be endless!

Let us know what easy summer activities your children enjoy on our Costello Builder’s Facebook page or on twitter at CostelloBuild!

Have a fun summer!

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